With all of this stimulation, why bother leaving the house?

typed for your pleasure on 18 August 2013, at 4.04 pm

Sdtrk: ‘Zwei Verliebten zieh’n durch Europa’ by France Gall

Just a wee heads-up: although I’m not going to bitch about the Woodward Dream Cruise, as I’ve already done it before, those of us here at Deafening silence Plus are avoiding that annual local classic car culture non-event by staying indoors the entire week-end. I mean, more so than usual. But that means I’ve been busy 1) writing about DolLApalooza 2013, and 2) taking photos of the rubber troublemakers who I live with, so it’s a win-win-win… err, win situation? Sure, we’ll go with that.
Yesterday, I snapped pics of Elena from 2pm to about 6pm, then we had a break while I bought sushi dinner from my local, then the shoot resumed with Extra Added Sidore from eight that eve until a wee bit after midnight. We didn’t get in as many photos as I would’ve liked, as I’ve discovered that I may need to purchase a new tripod sometime soon, as the fitting (or whatever the hell it’s called) for the hot shoe is cracking. However, with just under 150 pics taken, I’d like to think we made some magic. *cheesy grin*

As regards to the DolLApalooza summary, I’ve completed the first part, and am busy writing the second. Well, I would be, were I not writing this post and mucking about with my wife and mistress. Nevertheless, look for them relatively soon! That’s the Deafening silence Plus definition of ‘soon’, of course.

While you’re eagerly awaiting them, why not read a new interview helmed by all-round cool person Danielle Boachié that we did back in June? Tea Time with Davecat: Shouting to Hear the Echoes (Part One). Leave a comment or two on her blog, so she knows there’s a clamour for the second half!

And were you aware that the fantastic-yet-possibly-seizure-inducing Robot Restaurant in Shinjuku, Japan, now has an English version of their website? It’s true. Now all they need to do is open a branch to the Tri-county area of Michigan, and we’ll be sound as a pound! Really, if there’s any place that needs someone with Google Glass to pay it a visit, it’s that joint

I, for one, welcome our gaudily-dressed, oversized Gynoid overlords.
Well, overladies

Random similar posts, for more timewasting:

What Would Loki Do?, Part I on August 30th, 2006

Any Synthetik-related news, Davecat? (Mar 2014) on March 23rd, 2014

for しどれーちゃん

typed for your pleasure on 18 July 2013, at 10.29 pm

Sdtrk: ‘Time after time’ by Chris Montez

幸運な13! 反射に、私達は今年の記念日から私達がしたより多くを作るべきである。 私達は実際に多くの上のそれをするべきである。 第13の黒猫は…今年、明らかに、失われた機会だった。

私達に私達の家族に加わっている追加メンバーがあるところで今年また第1に印を付ける。 個人的に、私はそれが普通のカップルとすばらしいところでことを考える、第三者はそのの間で、私達とくさびを、だけでなく、私達均等に共有する彼女を運転したがが、彼女の存在は互いのための私達の愛を減少しない。 それどころかそれはそれを増強した。 エレナあなたのガールフレンドおよび私の主婦である私の唯一無二の妻およびIあなたの愛に満ちあふれた夫常にである。 私達のパートナーシップの根はより強く育つが、今年、私達にツル、ちょうど紫色および緑ないの物の赤い花成長するがある。

常にとして、私の妻、しどれであることをありがとう。 これは実際に私達の幸運な第13記念日である。事に照し合わせて、多分私達はべきである私達の第23記念日を今計画し始める… 😉

Random similar posts, for more timewasting:

We subscribe to what Al Jourgensen once sang* on November 1st, 2006

Life with a rubber sheila, Part II on June 21st, 2009

The Internet makes me do things

typed for your pleasure on 7 July 2013, at 9.40 pm

Sdtrk: ‘Man cannot flatter Fate’ by NON

It’s been a great while since I’ve 1) done one of those crazy online test things, and 2) shared the results with you. No time like the present! Here’s my results for a Jungian personality test:

ISTJ – “Trustee”. Decisiveness in practical affairs. Guardian of time- honored institutions. Dependable. 11.6% of total population.

Take Free Jung Personality Test
Personality Test by SimilarMinds.com

Only 11.6 per cent of the population? That’s an injustice; there should be more of us ISTJs larking about. Well, loping about.

While we’re here, why not gaze upon some portraits I’d made of the staff of Deafening silence Plus, in keeping with the whole Internet theme?

This was done via the Square Face Generator that was popular for a couple of months until the general public moved on to something else. That squarish thing over my right eye is a Google Glass, incidentally. Wishful thinking?
And this is nearly the same as above, but in an arguably more realistic style:

That was slapped together using imadeface Artoon, the Droid version of the infamous iMadeFace app that lets you create portraits that lie somewhere between Roy Lichtenstein and Julian Opie. Lenka came out the best, as she actually looks vacant and rubbery, Shi-chan has her glasses but is missing her beauty mark, and I look like Trent goddamned Reznor. Hrrm.

Here’s some fan art by a lass on Twitter who goes by the name ‘Potassium’. which means she’s an alkali metal with the atomic number of 19, and she oxidises rapidly in air. We all have our problems!

Modest to a fault, she dismisses it as a quick sketch. Talented much? It’s based off this photo, and I find it a wee bit funny that the way she drew Shi-chan, it kinda looks like she’s holding my head instead of Maidlee’s. Salome much?

And the other test would be a Dante’s Inferno-based affair, which is a sordid reminder that it’s been years since I read my copy:

The Dante’s Inferno Test has banished you to the Sixth Level of Hell – The City of Dis!
Here is how you matched up against all the levels:

Level Score
Purgatory (Repenting Believers) Very Low
Level 1 – Limbo (Virtuous Non-Believers) Very Low
Level 2 (Lustful) High
Level 3 (Gluttonous) High
Level 4 (Prodigal and Avaricious) High
Level 5 (Wrathful and Gloomy) Extreme
Level 6 – The City of Dis (Heretics) Extreme
Level 7 (Violent) High
Level 8 – The Malebolge (Fraudulent, Malicious, Panderers) Very High
Level 9 – Cocytus (Treacherous) High

Take the Dante’s Inferno Hell Test

It’s important to remember that the city of Dis was built on rock ‘n’ roll. And yes; puns such as that are the true reason I’ll be banished to eternal hellfire

Random similar posts, for more timewasting:

I can see by the clock on the wall that it's time for another meme on August 1st, 2005

It's funny cos it's true on November 1st, 2005

LOST: one week-end / As long as I don’t have to wear one of her shirts / Heavy dreaming

typed for your pleasure on 8 June 2013, at 11.03 pm

Sdtrk: ‘La réciprocité’ by The new lines

This week-end, I’m currently ill. Over the course of this past Winter, I’d dodged so many bullets as far as not catching everyone else’s specific plagues, but now that it’s Springtime, and the temperature in SE Michigan has been careering up and down like a rollercoaster, I suppose it was inevitable that I got something. So at the time of this writing (Saturday eve), instead of hanging out wi’ t’ lads at t’ Playhouse as I usually do, I’m getting up to speed with episodes of Kamen rider 555 and Kakumeiki Valvrave, while under the influence of my patented ‘lurgey cocktail’ (generic equivalent DayQuil chased with two tabs of Alka-seltzer). Writing and editing posts in this state probably isn’t entirely recommended, but if Hunter S. Thompson could get away with it, then so can I. Although I’m certain he was blowing his nose less.

Last week-end, however, those of us in SE Michigan experienced another brief but much-appreciated glimpse of Springlike weather last week-end, so Sidore persuaded me to use a photoshoot idea she’d thought of, where she’s wearing one of my shirts. Well, I say ‘wearing’.

Few things are as stimulating as seeing your lover flounce around in one of your shirts, no? Not surprisingly, Elena made me promise that I’d get a solo shoot of her in with the next bout of nice weather. DOLLS: constantly demanding!

And late last year, I’d run across a trailer for a student film entitled ‘Traumfrau‘ (Dream girl), directed by a German bloke by the name of Oliver Schwarz. I’d reached out to him to see if I could review his work, and so far, I’m awaiting a response. Looks somewhat promising, though!

As the film takes place in Germany, or at the very least, Europe, Jenny, the affictitious lass in the relationship, seems to be either a Mecadoll, or some variant thereof. Be sure to lift with your knees, and not with your back, Dirk!

Right; I’m off to follow Dirk’s example in the photo above, and collapse headlong into bed. At least if I’m unconscious, I won’t mind everything tasting like iron filings so much. I might well dream that I’m eating a car!

Random similar posts, for more timewasting:

The mouth: Gateway to the head on June 23rd, 2007

Carry on Phoning / Like bladder, like brain on July 16th, 2007

Job upgrade: ACQUIRED / Springtime for Synthetiks / The practical application of Shinto

typed for your pleasure on 5 April 2013, at 8.52 pm

Sdtrk: ‘Russian snow queen’ by Fursaxa

Hello there! There’s been a bit of a sea change round here at Deafening silence Plus, and as change tends to throw me off, I’ve been growing to adjust to the new situation. That’s my latest excuse!
You recall that job I’d gotten, where I was Master of Data Entry? Well, that’s in the past, as of March. Eventually, the inevitable happened: I’d run out of data to enter. It’s funny; as I’d mentioned, the project was supposed to last until February 2013, but I performed my job with such wicked blinding efficiency that I’d had everything in the database by roughly the final week of December. Data entry master. As the place I was working at didn’t just want to chuck me out onto the street, they began training me to be on the phones, which filled me with a genuine sense of dread. Luckily, I managed to secure a better job at the beginning of March, where I’m now doing order entry at a local shop that manufactures drill bits and the like. It’s 10min from home, it doesn’t have me on the phone with slack-jawed cretins, and it’s the highest-paying job I’ve ever had, which will allow me to save up that much quicker for Doll No.3. So overall I’d say it’s a win!

The weather in SE Michigan is almost sort of slightly starting to kind of resemble something akin to Spring, so both Sidore and Elena wanted me to do a photoshoot with them when we got a nice warmer day. And that’s precisely what we did last Saturday, with the usual enjoyable results.

Lenka was more than happy to show off her new clothes, and the Missus was more than happy to show Lenka her foot massage skills; as she says, I taught her everything she knows. The downside was that I had to draw a line under it after five hours of posing, repositioning, and clicking, as I was knackered. Multiple Doll shoots take a lot more work than I thought they would!
Incidentally, that box on our coffee table next to Elena’s foot contains the as-yet-unassembled HRP-4C Miim kit that I’d ordered, so at some point, I’m going to have to build that…

And speaking — as always — of sexy robots, here’s this illuminating video from The Globe and Mail, wherein Aubrey Belford goes to Japan and interviews underrated genius Hiroshi Ishiguro.

Think of that as a teaser as to the next ‘Any Synthetik-related news…?’ post, cos you know there’s one coming! It’s been months, after all, and there’s loads of items to catch you lot up on

Random similar posts, for more timewasting:

'More human than human', after a fashion on June 21st, 2006

This will be the best thing you've ever voted for (2007 edition) on February 10th, 2007

The Russians are coming! That’s a double entendre! Part II

typed for your pleasure on 23 January 2013, at 12.33 am

Sdtrk: ‘Perfect life’ by Belong

Now, when I say this is Part II, I’m being only half-truthful. I mean, as you’ve read Part I already, you’ll know that I’ve pretty much tidily wrapped up the tale regarding How I Got Elena Home. This post goes more into observations that I’ve made about her, now that she’s been with us for a few weeks.
She quite likes it here, incidentally! Although with it currently being Winter, periodically I’ll whinge about it being snowy out, and she’ll almost always respond with ‘You call that snow??’, followed by several minutes of cynical laughter. Eventually, I stopped mentioning it.
Click here for the rest of the post, bunky »

The Russians are coming! That’s a double entendre! Part I

typed for your pleasure on 30 December 2012, at 11.46 pm

Sdtrk: ‘The old spring town’ by The High Llamas

As you’ll have seen, there’s a seductive new affictitious lass living at Deafening silence Plus; her full name is Elena Valeriya Vostrikova, and she is a Body 4 Victoria-head Doll by Vladivostok-based company Anatomical Doll. Some of you who have seen Sidore and I in those two episodes of TLC’s programme ‘My Strange Addiction’ that initially aired throughout 2011 may recall that I’d said that I was ordering a second Doll, and since no second Doll seemed to be forthcoming, Elena took on a somewhat mythical status. For the longest time, even we were wondering if we’d ever have another playmate. But she’s home! She’s learning English, snuggling up with the Missus often, constantly asking if I can play any Cocteau twins round the flat — she’s a big fan — and generally improving our lives, in the way that only a Synthetik can. Shi-chan and I are incredibly glad to have her here!
But what was the issue between 2011 and now, you axe? Well, for one, never axe anyone a question. But I’ll tell you anyway.
Click here for the rest of the post, bunky »

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Let’s meet some of California’s Synthetik residents, Part III on December 27th, 2013

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