World Cup 2006: Epilogue

typed for your pleasure on 10 July 2006, at 7.23 pm

Sdtrk: ‘Holidays in the sun’ by the Sex pistols

The space at the top of my SiteMeter stats page is usually occupied by some Flash-based advert, and I nearly snorted Dr pepper from my nostrils when I checked it out earlier today, and saw this:

A little premature? Bah! Not in the slightest

Technorati tags: FIFA, World Cup, football, soccer

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We have a winner

typed for your pleasure on 9 July 2006, at 5.30 pm

Sdtrk: ‘The Witch’ by Coachwhips

Well played, France, but it appears that Italy is the Final Victor.

I was kinda torn there, as I like France as a country, but I fell in love with Juventus when I was first getting into footie a few years ago. Plus, Buffon is a pretty impressive keeper; at least when I’d seen him. Shame about Zidane being sent off, though. For a while, I actually thought France would take the Cup.. Nevertheless, an intense game!

FYI: the illos of the footie lasses (with the exception of the England one in the first post) were drawn by Kagami of Utility-pole spirit, and the CG Japanese lass in this post was done by M-RS of incise soul.

England in 2010, damnit!

Technorati tags: FIFA, World Cup, football, soccer

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Japan, we hardly knew ye on June 24th, 2006

'EAT MY GOAL!': supplemental on June 13th, 2006

What do you know, Deutschland?

typed for your pleasure on 5 July 2006, at 11.33 am

Sdtrk: ‘G-pot in odd meter’ by Merzbow

It was an honourable defeat! Well, ish.

Four days left, people! If Italy walks home (not literally) with the Cup, that’d be fab, but if France does it, I’ll be surprised.. I’m still rooting for Germany, but Portugal might well snatch it from their respective grasps, and run away giggling! O NOES!!1!
Four days left until THE FOOTBALL APOCALYPSE

Technorati tags: FIFA, World Cup, football, soccer

Random similar posts, for more timewasting:

DAMNIT ENGLAND on July 1st, 2006

Japan, we hardly knew ye on June 24th, 2006


typed for your pleasure on 1 July 2006, at 1.49 pm

Sdtrk: ‘Hate rock trio’ by HTRK

GRRR. Crazy game, though. In fact, that’s the longest match I’ve ever seen..

Well, if Germany wins the Cup, I’ll be happy. Not as happy as I’d be if Engerland won, but still

Technorati tags: FIFA, World Cup, football, soccer

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What do you know, Deutschland? on July 5th, 2006

World Cup 2006: Epilogue on July 10th, 2006

Japan, we hardly knew ye

typed for your pleasure on 24 June 2006, at 10.52 am

Sdtrk: ‘You trip me up’ by The Jesus and Mary chain

Good try, though — you get an A for Effort. Or whatever the equivalent grade is, as according to the Japanese school system.

This should also satisfy whatever furtive individual(s) who keep hitting ‘Shouting etc etc’ by typing ‘sexy anime girls’ into Google

Technorati tags: FIFA, World Cup, football, soccer

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We have a winner on July 9th, 2006

What do you know, Deutschland? on July 5th, 2006

‘EAT MY GOAL!’: supplemental

typed for your pleasure on 13 June 2006, at 2.00 am

Sdtrk: ‘Velvet goldmine’ by David Bowie

Before Alan Partridge got his own chat show, Norfolk’s Favourite Son used to firmly grip the sportsdesk on ‘The Day Today‘. Here’s an old, yet relevant, clip!

Absolutely classic

Technorati tags: FIFA, World Cup, football, soccer, Alan Partridge

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'EAT MY GOAL!' on June 11th, 2006

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typed for your pleasure on 11 June 2006, at 12.33 pm

Sdtrk: ‘Interesting drug’ by Morrissey

One could accurately describe me as the most casual football fan ever — I’ve only been into it for the past three or so years, and I don’t keep up with it as much as I could be. I like Manchester Utd for obvious reasons; Juventus, probably cos they were the first Italian team I’d seen; and Bayern München, cos Ollie Kahn’s goalkeeping skills impressed me, even though he’s a bit of an adulterer. O, and there’s Gatas Brilhantes H.P., but as it’s a futsal team composed of Japanese idol singers, I don’t think they really count. Nevertheless, as far as the 2006 World Cup goes, I know who I’m backing..

Technorati tags: FIFA, World Cup, football, soccer

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Japan, we hardly knew ye on June 24th, 2006

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