Two zero zero nine

typed for your pleasure on 5 January 2009, at 12.27 am

Sdtrk: ‘Fade to grey’ by Visage

*claps hands together* Okay, so I’m back from my holidays, and between you and me, they were swingin’. A heady flight to Shinjuku, several gallons of sake, tours to various Doll manufacturer showrooms… it was unbelievable! Completely unbelievable! Meaning ‘it has no grounding whatsoever in reality’. Nah, I didn’t go anywhere.
My actual holiday time was quite alright, though. Got a bit of stuff done round Deafening silence Plus, spent plenty of quality time with the Missus — we watched Act 03 of ‘Time of Eve‘; what were you perverts thinking?? New year’s Eve night found me playing heady sessions of Shadows over Camelot with Zip Gun, Mrs Zip Gun, Derek and Steph. Friday eve, Mari stopped round and we caught up on four more episodes of Xam’d: Lost memories, as well as the 2008 Doctor Who Xmas special (very enjoyable), and Derek and I started Saturday by viewing four eps of the second season of Gundam 00, after which we grabbed sushi, and met up with SafeT and Mari at Zip Gun’s digs for Rock Band and, well, Rock Band. Let me go on record right now as publically stating that I want to punch Rush, collectively, or on an individual basis, for that travesty of a song known as ‘The trees’.

The trouble with the maples,
(And they’re quite convinced they’re right)
They say the oaks are just too lofty
And they grab up all the light.

Prog-hippy bullshit. Any minutes spent listening to Rush are several minutes wasted. And we had to ‘play’ that garbage! GRAAHH SO ANGRY

Thanks to the contribution of a kind colleague/benefactor, namely Jaems (thanks again, mate), I now have a webcam, where I can really make people regret that they added me to their Skype lists. It’s more fun than I thought it would be, but sometimes there are instances when I look like I was dragged through a hedge backwards, then stuffed into a burlap sack and tossed into a cement mixer, and I don’t want to subject people to that. I’m reminded of an episode of ‘The Jetsons’, where a housewife friend of Jane Jetson’s is calling her via their videocameraphonething. Jane looks a wreck, as she’d just rolled out of bed, so she puts on a rubber mask of her own perfectly-made-up face, and answers the phone. The humour occurs when Jane’s friend’s facemask falls off, as she had just gotten up for the day. Ahh, future comedy. Instead of going to that extreme, I thought about printing up SEELE’s legendary ‘SOUND ONLY‘ graphic to point my webcam at that whilst I go through the trouble of putting some clothes on and whatnot. We’ll see.

Since I haven’t made resolutions for nigh-on a decade now — I believe that once you call it a ‘resolution’, that guarantees that it won’t get done — pretty much my goals for this year are to
+ try not to let work get to me as much, as it’s ultimately not worth it. I speak to a lot of lying slack-jawed fuckwits at my job, and short of using a claw hammer, there’s no way I’ll be able to change their behaviour
+ Having said that, I really need to look for something new. Preferably a job where I’m not speaking to a lot of lying slack-jawed fuckwits
+ to get ‘Kitten with a Whip!‘ back online for reals, yo. Can you believe it’s been almost five years since my silicone significant other has had a noteworthy web presence? That’s gotta be rectified ASAP. Frankly, I’m surprised Shi-chan’s not tried to throttle me or similar. But at least she has an amusing Twitter feed

There you have it; first post of the year. So were your New year’s festivities relatively carnage-free, then?

Random similar posts, for more timewasting:

So you just type stuff in here and it appears on the screen huh on December 13th, 2007

Meow Mix coated in 10w-40 on November 16th, 2008

5 have spoken to “Two zero zero nine”

  1. Kat writes:

    I too spent a quiet evening home with Stego, the Wuffgal and I (as well as our four footer relatives). My friend could not make it up to the mountain to wish the new year in so him and I had a virtua-date of sorts. Not the same but made for a quiet night. I think it was a good way to bring in 2009 after the headache of 2008.

    Skype is giving me all sorts of remote problem errors right now. Been doing so for the last few weeks. However if you ever want to chat, I can be found under my Twitter name.


    PS: What plug-in is responsible for the hoverover definition/glossary on terms which explain who “The Missus” is and your friends?

  2. MontiLee writes:

    Kat – It’s called Ubernyms (, and he stole it from me.

    *shakes fist*

    It’s for things you type all of the time but don’t feel like explaining all of the time or linking to all of the time. It’s the plugin for lazy people and I heart it muchly.

  3. Laura writes:

    I hung out with some co-workers. We were all slightly intoxicated (well I was, the others were all out wasted), and filmed some videos that are probably on YouTube (heaven help us) and then went to Waffle House at 4am with all the other drunk people.
    It was 10 times more fun than it sounded.
    And you should come work with me. 😀

  4. Davecat writes:

    Kat –
    Every now and again, it’s nice to have a relatively quiet New year’s celebration. It can’t be yelling, confetti, and Ryan Seacrest all the time! Cos that would just be weird.

    And I’ll have to look you up on Skype, as it’s a fine piece of technology. 🙂

    Ubernyms! They’re a fine piece of technology.
    And I didn’t steal it! I told you I’d give it back when I was done with it; I’m just not done with it!…

    Laura –
    Your festivities sound like Waffle House madness unleashed. But who would leash a waffle? Those are people you don’t want to associate with.

    Your job sounds like it fits you like a glove, but I’ve done the sales thing (technically, I still am) — jobs like that just drained my soul. Technically, they still do.
    Working with you would be mental, though, but I think after about a week, they’d probably sit us away from each other. 🙂

  5. Laura writes:

    I have too much fun as it is. We pelt eachother when pens and Jolly Ranchers, do the ‘Macarena’ and ‘YMCA’ in our cubicles and pass notes.
    They’ve yet to move me 😀

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