Gravatars are back up?? UNPOSSIBLE
typed for your pleasure on 25 October 2007, at 2.52 amSdtrk: ‘Not forever’ by Vitesse
Just so you know, I tripped over a site where a coding bloke has actually managed to craft a succesful plugin for using Gravatars, which fills me with a special kind of joy. I’ve had so much trouble getting the myriad plugins related to that to function properly, that for the longest time, I just said ‘fuck it, the site will just run without them’. Those of you who remember the original version of ‘Shouting etc etc’ on Blogger probably fondly (?) remember all the Gravatars spicing up the comments section. Now they’re back in action! Woo!
So all of you who have Gravatars, i.e, SafeTinspector, PB Shelley, et al, should probably get round to their site and, ah, refresh the image you want to use. Or something? I’m not sure why my Gravatar works and yours aren’t, but then I had to reload my image on Gravatar’s home page, and it seemed to work a treat.
And for those of you who don’t have a Gravatar, if you don’t create one, you get to enjoy being a Synthetik for a while! I have a surfeit of mostly Doll-and-Gynoid-based Gravatars especially for guests, and they’re pretty fantastic. But I would say that.
For those interested, that site would be geek ramblings. Give it a look-in!
EDIT (2.54 am): Okay, so now my Gravatar won’t show up. Guh.
Bollocks to this; it’s an hour past my bedtime. I’ll see to it later
EDIT (25 Oct, 10.46am): Now my Gravatar’s back? *shrugs*
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October 25th, 2007 at 5.15 am
as much as i enjoy being a pretty little real doll i guess i should put up a photo, alltho i’m sure the real doll is a better sight
October 26th, 2007 at 3.06 am
Hm, welly welly welly! Let’s see if this works: I’ll just press “execute”…
October 26th, 2007 at 3.08 am
Hm, that doesn’t look like Lily! Maybe I need to update her outdated piccy anyway…
Regards 🙂
PBShelley, Gravatar-less, apparently just for the time being
October 26th, 2007 at 1.54 pm
Looks like it worked, sir!
October 26th, 2007 at 6.25 pm
Yay! BTW, I took the Blog down 🙁 Just FYI in case anyone was looking for it. Boring site’s still, up tho’…
Thanks for getting my GravaLily back 😀
October 27th, 2007 at 5.21 pm
Mine is attached to my old gmail address and not my current address. But for you I’ll put the old address in. It still works, after all, just sends it along to the new.
viva gravatar!
October 27th, 2007 at 5.21 pm
oops. Hmm… Wonder where the silly thing is?
October 28th, 2007 at 5.12 pm
did it work?
October 28th, 2007 at 5.21 pm
guess not.
October 28th, 2007 at 5.47 pm
I should probably note that’s had on-again-off-again problems since, well, about a year. Also, I heard they just got bought out very recently, and frankly, I hope their new acquirers iron their shit out. Gravatar’s a wonderful idea, but rather error-ridden. It’s like having a time machine that only takes you one month into the past.
Keep trying! It’ll appear eventually! Or not, who can say?
October 28th, 2007 at 8.07 pm
Nice one, Hyde-chan. 🙂
October 29th, 2007 at 4.07 pm
short of being a real doll i thought a picture of moi would do! And its up, yay! X
October 29th, 2007 at 4.22 pm
It does do indeed it do! 😀
Luverly 🙂
PBS et al