typed for your pleasure on 19 October 2006, at 2.42 pm

Sdtrk: ‘Vier Personen’ by Laibach

Those Swedes work awfully fast! With the swiftness of a typical afternoon session spent assembling a piece of furniture purchased from IKEA, Sofia, the ‘research praktik’ of the programme ‘Outsiders’ has Emailed me, saying they’ve finished their editing, and the episode featuring Sidore, Monti and I will be aired next Monday the 23rd! That means that *peering at site stats* about 1% of the readers of ‘Shouting etc etc’ will catch it. Hrm.
Nevertheless, I’ll be sure to let ABBA, the Hives, Ingmar Bergman, Max von Sydow, and Anita Ekberg know, as I’m sure they’ll be glad of the heads-up. O, and August Strindberg, of course

Technorati tags: Davecat, Sidore, MontiLee, RealDoll, iDollator, Abyss Creations, Titan Television

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12 have spoken to “ATTN: SVEEDEN”

  1. SafeTinspector writes:

    Merdy, ferdy / oom, she-dipty-do! /
    Ooh- wa-da-bing-bang da urr /

  2. Neo writes:

    Hi Davecat (and Sidore!)…
    Vell, I vish I could vatch it, but iz not possible for me. Az mi grandmudder iz frum Sweden, iz velly interesting.
    Is Sidore still your Dancing Queen?

    Hope you are doing vell zis Halloween seazon!

    — From the Shadow of Chicago-land

  3. Davecat writes:

    Neo! –

    Long time no viddy! Well, after a fashion.

    Yeah, on the one hand, it’s fab that not a lot of people will be able to see that ‘Outsiders’ episode, as it cuts down on the number of detractors, but on the other hand, it severely limits the number of people who want to / should see it. Kinda makes you realise that global television isn’t really ‘global’, eh? 😛
    Thankfully, Sofia’s promised to send along a DVD copy of the finished product to us after it airs..

    And it goes without saying that Shi-chan’s still my Dancing queen! She’s also my Chiquitita, and my Honey honey as well. However, she is not my Waterloo, as that would be weird. 🙂

    Thanks for emerging from the shadows and dropping a line, sir! Take care, and enjoy the (upcoming) Pagan New Year!

  4. MontiLee writes:

    I have a feeling that a lot of our banter will be subtitled (inaudible).

    My favorite part – Klaus mics me and askes me to speak for a sound test:

    Klaus – “Say something.”

    Me (overly perky for the occasion) – “Well, I was born in the 20’s and rasied by sharecroppers. I taught myself to how to read and write. Then I went on to Europe to become a dancer -”

    Klaus – “Okay, thank you.”

  5. Davecat writes:

    Honestly, if they can’t properly translate The Davecat and Monti Experience, then it’s the same as watching telly with the sound turned off, and the screen coated with an opaque, sweet-smelling goo.

  6. Meidi writes:

    Ha! I saw it. *swede*

  7. evelina, from sweden! writes:

    hi!! I saw you on “outsiders” today, it was great fun! take care and bye bye!!

  8. Davecat writes:

    Meidi and evelina, from sweden! –
    Hallo there! Shi-chan and I say thanks for dropping by!
    *waves frantically*

  9. denimized writes:

    i’ve never seen anything like your lifestyle before, but I feel content over the fact that you seem able to live that way without any problems.

    go on doing it.


  10. Davecat writes:

    Thanks very much Lars; that’s pretty much what Sidore-chan and I have planned on. 🙂 Take care!

  11. Emil writes:

    Saw the show. At first I thought you where a bit (ok, how will I put this… crazy?) but when the show was over I actually felt a bit ashamed of my first reaction… I guess most people had the same reaction as I did, just ’cause it stands out a bit from the crowd. (I suppose asexuals don’t count as mainstream either so what the hell am I talking about? ;P) But if you’re happy, I wish you and Sidore the best of luck.

  12. Davecat writes:

    Ta very much from the pair of us, Emil. 🙂

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