Not exactly a ‘People Person’: supplemental

typed for your pleasure on 13 March 2006, at 6.06 pm

Sdtrk: ‘Only to other people’ by The Cookies

Remember that post I’d written concerning the brilliant ‘Caring for Your Introvert’ article by Jonathan Rauch? Well, there’s a follow-up interview with him here.

Do you ever wish you were an extrovert?

Not really. That may be because my “faking it” skills are pretty good. But I do think a lot of us are tired of being told that there’s something wrong with us—of this lazy assumption that if you’re not an extrovert, there’s something wrong with you. I think my article may speak to people in part because of its defiant message. It says, “No, I don’t wish to be an extrovert. Not everyone has to be one. And why don’t you people get it?”

Again, required reading

Random similar posts, for more timewasting:

I am not going to bitch about the Woodward dream cruise (again) on August 13th, 2008

Wheels (spinning), or, I have run out of levelheadedness on March 27th, 2006

2 have spoken to “Not exactly a ‘People Person’: supplemental”

  1. SafeTinspector writes:

    Hermitage is a venerable and ancient way of being!

  2. PBShelley writes:

    Another good read, thanks for the link! Required reading for extroverts as well 😉

    PBS & Lily (Intros X 2)

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