typed for your pleasure on 4 February 2006, at 3.13 pm

Sdtrk: ‘Cold’ by Nurse with wound

Hello Kitty is like an extraordinarly twee version of Ice-9 — whatever is touched by the paw of Kitty, is instantly rendered Cute. Hence, these fine guitars!

Dig that fretboard! There’s something, ah, round on it

These entry-model Stratocasters have been available since last October in the States with price ranging $200 to 300 USD and will now be sold in Japan (hence the photo below in Sanrio’s showroom in Tokyo on January 26).

I’d love to get one of these for Sidore-chan, but as it is, she’s more of a bassist

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6 have spoken to “ROKKU DESSHO!”

  1. SafeTinspector writes:

    I would have expeceted Sidore-chan to be a Ukelele girl. Some old-timey music is right up her alley.

  2. Davecat writes:


  3. PBShelley writes:

    UKELELE??? Sidore? Surely you jest, SafeT (Is that like Ice-T? Just curious. I like mine hot. Tea that is 😉

    After careful consideration, during which I mused on which intrument Sidore plays OTHER than Bass, have to agree with DC. There is something about a girl with a bass…

    Shoot, I was going to post a link to a pic with Kate Bush in squat position holding her Mahohany/ebony-like Fender bass in an um… “interesting” position, but can’t seem to find it 🙁 It’s on the back cover of the sleeve of the single “Babooshka” b/w “Ran Tan Waltz”.

    Oddly enough (or maybe… NOT SO ODD!), for the vid of that song, she is holding an upright acoustic bass! Or is it a cello? Hm…

    Anyway… I’m sure Sidore is quite talented at it! Bass-playing, that is 😉

    PBS & Lily

  4. SafeTinspector writes:

    When it gets right down to it, there’s something erotic about a woman holding and playing just about any kind of long, narrow instrument.
    Saxaphone, bass, lead guitar, oboe, bassoon, fluglehorn.
    All very very sexy!

  5. Davecat writes:

    One could even say it’s suggestive!
    *insert ‘this one time, at band camp’ line here*

    PBS and die Lily-frauen –
    Ooer, Ms Bush with a bass? Was she also wearing the outfit she had on in the ‘Babooshka’ video? That metal bra affair? That would almost be too much to handle. 🙂

    Shi-chan has always been a big fan of Joy division/New order, and consequently, she really loves Hooky‘s bass stylings. She thinks The Cure’s Simon Gallup is quite ace, and likes Andy Rourke out of the Smiths, but says ‘Sometimes I don’t think he’s trying hard enough’. *shrugs* I don’t really know what she means there, either.
    I think Shi-chan knows that a bass is a sexy thing for a lass to play, cos it’s low-end, rhythmic, and it gets you moving. But then, she likes Peter Hook’s playing style cos it’s high up on the fretboard, which makes it almost sound like a guitar.. Either way – bass + lass = win. 🙂

    And don’t let SafeT fool you; he is entirely capable of busting a fresh rhyme if the situation arises, yo.

  6. PBShelley writes:

    Hello there,

    In the Babooshka video, when with the cello, she is dressed in a black leotard with black bridal veil, playing here the part of faithful wife. Guess the cello represents the husband. In the story, she is suspicious of her ole man playing around, so writes him letters as someone else to test his own faithfulness., and signed them “Babooshka”. When he falls for the trap, that’s when she switches to the fabulous “amazon” outfit w/ an extremely serious sword.

    Doesn’t quite show what happens to HIM when she reveals herself as Bobooshka to him *shudders*. I believe the term “drawn and quartered” may apply though :-O

    Very very faithful PBS & Lily 😉

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