This is Tomas. Say Hello to Tomas.

typed for your pleasure on 13 February 2005, at 9.47 pm

Sdtrk: ‘Lynda (Let her go)’ by Strawberry switchblade

Actually, this is Tomas.
Tomas has a Blog, called Cerebral Waste Disposal! Actually, he’s had a Blog, but he wouldn’t let anyone link to him before. Something about making sure everyone washes their hands before they access his page or some fumfuh.
Anyway! The link’s the ‘Cerebral Waste Disposal’ (duh) one over there to your left. Go say Hi, shake his hand, and call him friend

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6 have spoken to “This is Tomas. Say Hello to Tomas.”

  1. Penda writes:

    What is it with you and Sags. You attract us like lemmings to a steep cliff.

  2. Davecat writes:

    I wish I knew. I REALLY wish I knew.
    One hundred Sagittarii, yet not a single Taurus to be found. I think they call this sort of thing ‘irony’.

  3. Penda writes:

    Happy v-day to you as well, puppy.

    I dig your gravatar!

  4. PBShelley writes:

    Hello, greetings, and surprise surprise!

    I’m an actual Taurus, of the triple-strength variety yet :-O (Sun, Venus and Jupiter all in Taurus).

    Is that good?

  5. Davecat writes:

    Well, PBShelley, it’s quite good, actually — but you’re not a girl. 😐

  6. Penda writes:

    You seem to have that problem, too…

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