Busy busy lazy busy
typed for your pleasure on 11 June 2009, at 2.06 amSdtrk: ‘I’ve changed my plea to guilty’ by Morrissey
Just a heads-up to friends and regular readers of ‘Shouting etc etc’ in general: as the Good People of National Geographic will be descending upon Deafening silence Plus at the tail end of this week-end, I’ll be busy prepping the place, as well as the Missus. Why am I noting this publically, you say? Basically, I’ve been delinquent with responses to people here, and on compatriots’ blogs, and, well, Emails, various messaging programmes, phone calls, telepathy, carrier pigeons, etc etc, and I don’t want anyone to feel as if I’m ignoring them, cos that simply isn’t the case.
So next week, I should be theoretically be back up to speed. Whatever that speed may be, exactly. Heigh ho!
One question: anyone know the best way to get blood stains out of carpeting? We’re talking a couple of stains about four feet wide, on a kind of putty-coloured carpet. As much as I’ve been scrubbin’, they just won’t disappear!
Err… y’know — just out of curiosity’s sake
Random similar posts, for more timewasting:
the Wednesday Recommendation 02: Katamari damacy on September 30th, 2004
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June 11th, 2009 at 3.58 am
Hmm… a couple of bloodstains about 4 feet wide… we ARE talking about Geraldo, right? I thought that he *wasn’t* going to come to your place!
Well then, that about explains his “vacation” *wink wink*
Good luck with the interviewing and entertaining and such! And if it doesn’t seem to be going over too well, you can always point out the stains 😉
PBS, Lily, Eden-in-the-box, and Pennie, all about to move 900 miles :-O
June 11th, 2009 at 7.04 am
Hmm..that is a pretty big blood stain..not sure I want to know where or how..lol
Ok if we are talking real blood.. it is simple.. TIDE Laundry Soap. The powder form if you can find it, make it wet and pasty apply to blood, let dry overnight – 24 hours, suck up with carpet cleaner if available. (This really works trust me, and you don’t want to know how I know..LOL)
Now if for some reason it does not or you cant do it.. Buy a throw rug 🙂
Have a great time..can’t wait to see you and the Missus on tv..woohoo!
June 14th, 2009 at 12.56 am
Four-foot wide blood stain, eh? Been there, girlfriend.
That’s what God made carpet remnants and area rugs for.
You can mess with the oxyclean later, when the heat is off.
June 15th, 2009 at 12.14 am
That’s what rugs are for! Or a whole bottle of resolve.
June 15th, 2009 at 6.03 pm
i used hydrogen peroxide and or borax to clean up the big blood puddle after i had to shoot my snake cause it escaped from it’s cage and nearly killed me!!!
June 17th, 2009 at 2.22 am
PBS & family (in transit) –
Geraldo? No no, my friend, that would never happen. We’re talking about Springer, here. Shi-chan and I aimed high! Specifically, between the eyes! *cue laugh track*
The interview went very well! As the Critical Notes have all been compiled, I intend on typing out the lengthy and protracted posts reporting the experience this week. You’ll undoubtedly be in your new place by then. Hell, Abyss will probably be releasing version 5.0 of RealDoll by the time I’m finished. Man.
Ardeaux, SafeT and rehka –
Next time, I’ll just cover everything with tarp; it’ll save so much trouble in the end equation. But thanks for the tips!
aki-chan –
Shoot… your snake?? You people out west live so much differently than we do here. 😐
June 21st, 2009 at 11.46 pm
Do I even want to know? 😛
June 22nd, 2009 at 12.12 am
Best not to ask. Also, if anyone asks you, my name is, and has always been, Antonio Bellavita, capisce?