We just couldn’t stay away
typed for your pleasure on 27 April 2009, at 1.20 amSdtrk: ‘We know how to have fun’ by ADULT.
So it’s more or less confirmed; the Missus and I will be filmed for another documentary segment late this Spring. Huzzah! I’d received a missive last week from a one Emily Potts, researcher for a National Geographic series called ‘Taboo‘, enquiring if I’d be so kind as to blather at great length on camera about my affictitious wife Sidore. We conducted the pre-interview screening thang this afternoon/her morning, as Ms Potts is based out of Australia, and it was 3am where she was, and we spent an engaging two and a half hours (!!!) on Skype, discussing the direction that she wants the documentary to go in, Myspace impostors, and how to pronounce agalmatophilia, a word which has been thankfully replaced with the less-tongue-twisting Pygmalionism. Charming as she was, unfortunately she won’t be doing the actual interviewing, as she is merely the researcher. Isn’t that always the way?
Nevertheless, Shi-chan and I are rather looking forward to it! At the very least, we can show off the monochrome splendour that is Deafening silence Plus as well…
We have yet to lock in a date, but shooting should be in a month or so. More news as it tumbles towards me, of course
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April 27th, 2009 at 3.31 pm
That’s great news! I am a big fan of Taboo. I love me documentaries! Keep us posted when it’s going to air and whatnot. Kudos to you and being open and upfront. You are truly an inspiration.
I am saving right now to get a synthetik girlfriend. Organiks are so much drama!
April 29th, 2009 at 12.38 pm
You can’t see us from there, but the Missus and I have just bowed in an elaborate fashion. 🙂 Thanks!
And that’s the one thing a Synthetik girlfriend thankfully doesn’t come shipped with — drama. You’re making the right choice! But I would say that. 🙂 If you need any tips or advice, Shi-chan and I are at your disposal!
April 30th, 2009 at 5.02 am
Hi Davecat,
Thanks for stopping by my blog. I was flattered to see you stopped by.
Congrats on the documentary.
I did see your other tv appearances..
You are very brave. I don’t think I could do that.
Nice to meet you..so to speak.. 🙂
April 30th, 2009 at 10.31 am
Hey ARDO… hrrm, let’s spell that as Ardeaux instead –
Good to ‘meet’ you as well! Thank you for the support, and for the link!
I’d link to your site(s), but I want to just restrict it to the manufacturers’ Doll sites, otherwise it’d be SUPER DOLL LINK FESTIVAL A GO-GO. I mean, significantly more than usual. But once I manage to get Shi-chan’s long-neglected site back up and running (I can hear her grumbling from here), we’ll definitely include yours. Deal?
And as I’m wont to say, I wouldn’t chalk it up to bravery, really; I’m just telling the world ‘this is what’s helped dispel my loneliness — maybe having a Doll can do the same for you’. I just think that more people that have a certain receptive and imaginative mindset should have Dolls, which is something I’m sure you and your husband can attest to. 😉
Be sure to stop round ‘Shouting etc etc’ now and again! Sometimes I actually write about non-Synthetik-related topics (not often)!
April 30th, 2009 at 5.52 pm
I love NatGeo. It’s on at my house pretty much 24/7.
The only thing that would make this better is if you were on ‘Dog Whisperer’.
You should get a dog.
May 1st, 2009 at 12.24 am
But I’m a cat!
Is there a programme called Hamster Whisperer? I’ll go on that. Hamsters is crazy. Besides, who else do you know that would whisper to a hamster? I thought so.
May 1st, 2009 at 4.12 am
I understand about the link..no problem. 🙂
receptive and imaginative mindset indeed.. I agree!
I’ll be sure to stop in.
Let us know when we can watch you in the Nat Geo documentary.
May 3rd, 2009 at 5.37 pm
You should pitch it while you’re rubbing elbows with the NatGeo clan.
Or perhaps the ‘Ferret Whisperer’. Maybe he/she could stop Delilah’s compulsive earring snatching.
I’d tune in.
May 15th, 2009 at 3.09 pm
THAT is awesome!
Can’t wait to see this new documentary. A National Geographic spin on things should be fantastic, they at least, if no one else, can be trusted to make people with ‘taboo’ fetishes seem like just that rather than freakshows or losers, or whatever.
Will the filming happen in your hood or down in OZ?
May 16th, 2009 at 3.38 am
Now that would be a hell of an angle if NatGeo could fly the Missus and I down to Oz — I’d roast, she’d melt — but they’re heading up to ours. Which is okay, cos that’s where we keep our stuff. 🙂
When they contacted me, I was rather enthusiastic, as they’re a reputable and storied institution that would take a more objective approach than, say, any one of the sensationalist tossers that asked after an interview recently (Springer, Povich, Tyra, Geraldo — I’m glaring in your direction). I do regret that Emily wouldn’t be conducting the interview herself, as our lengthy conversation was fun and engaging. But I trust that the film crew that gets assigned to us will be well-informed, at the very least…
Shi-chan and I are looking forward to it! As soon as we get a definitive shooting date, that is.