the ‘chirashi’ approach to posting
typed for your pleasure on 3 March 2005, at 3.39 amSdtrk: ‘Music of spheres’ by Delia Derbyshire
Thought I’d catch up on some loose ends, blog- and news-wise..
For those of you who post comments, and don’t have a proper Gravatar, now you get one of my default ones, heh heh. 🙂 I think I might change them around once a month, so fair warning: if you don’t want to be represented as a member of SHADO (that’s March’s entry), or something ‘worse’, get your own smegging Gravatar..
Wednesday morn/afternoon, I was ambling round downtown Detroit with Wolfgang and Mike (of the RoToRs consortium), madly snapping photographs for about six hours, and cursing the bitter Northern winds. Apart from the cursing, it was fun! We took several shots in the John King building, as well as the RenCen/GM headquarters, the People Mover, and one of the finer examples of Art Deco architecture (there’s that word again), the Guardian building.
from the John King breakroom. Sound advice!
Actually, Wolfgang wrote up a pretty good summation of our adventures, which you can find right here.
O, I don’t think I’ve introduced you! RoToRs is, as it’s stated, the Online Journal of Vulne Pro, which is an art collective begun by Mike/aneamo several years ago, that I’m occasionally involved with. You may have seen Mike’s work on Sweetie’s site, or in various gaming books, or on the Vulne Pro site itself; now he and Wolfgang have a blog with which to show off new ideas, projects, etc.
Also, new notable blogs of note worth noting, so take notes, would be Undercover in Japan, a tale of a young Englishman trapped in a strange and futuristic world, where AIBOs run amok, and ninjas and magical schoolgirls in towering mecha fight against giant ramen-eating Yakuza lizards. Yes.
And there’s Nothing To Do With Arbroath, which is Silliness Compiled. See if I’m lying.
And I dinna get a chance to pick up Devil may cry 3 yet, as we were too busy running round for me to cash my cheque before the banks closed. Mnyeh. Perhaps tomorrow..
What the hell else was I gonna say?
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