The halls of SHADO are empty now

typed for your pleasure on 9 June 2005, at 10.08 pm

Sdtrk: ‘I hear a symphony’ by Pizzicato five

Well, shit. 🙁

UFO Stars Ed Bishop and Michael Billington Have Died

In an appalling tragic coincidence, ED BISHOP and MICHAEL BILLINGTON, the two lead actors in Gerry Anderson’s 1969 series UFO have both died this week within days of each other.Michael Billington, who played man-of-action Colonel Paul Foster in the series, passed away on Monday, June 6th. He was 63. The circumstances of his death have not been released.

Ed Bishop, who starred as the tough, dedicated SHADO Commander Ed Straker in UFO and also provided the voice for Captain Blue in Captain Scarlet And The Mysterons, died on the morning of Wednesday, June 8th, just three days shy of his 73rd birthday. He is believed to have contracted a fatal virus while undergoing hospital treatment, but the exact cause of death is currently under investigation.

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18 May 1980

typed for your pleasure on 18 May 2005, at 1.34 am

How can I find the right way to control
All the conflict inside, all the problems beside
As the questions arise and the answers don’t fit
Into my way of things, into my way of things

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Azrael’s been awful busy

typed for your pleasure on 2 April 2005, at 5.14 am

Sdtrk: ‘Roaring blood’ by Guitar wolf

This is a first in my lifetime — society’s recent Death Quadrafecta. You know how celebrity deaths usually come in threes? Well, this time, HERE COMES A NEW CHALLENGER!!

In order of personal importance:

1) Bass Wolf, bass player for Guitar Wolf
Admittedly, I’ve only ever heard two songs by Guitar Wolf in their entirety, but I enjoyed the utter cheese factor that is ‘Wild zero‘. And Guitar Wolf is just a fun band, anyway — they’re like a faster, more feedback-laden, more insane Japanese version of the Ramones. My friend Dave, who sat us all down in Derek’s livingroom a few years ago and showed us his DVD copy of ‘Wild zero’, managed to catch them when they rolled through Detroit only a couple of weeks ago. Now, no-one has any idea if the band will continue.

2) Terri Schiavo, a bulimic-cum-martyr
Yes, she was a fucking idiot for being a bulimic in the first place, but there was absolutely no need for that woman and her husband to go through what they went through. They should’ve allowed her to die (meaning, physically die, as she had been braindead for several years) without publicity or outside interference, end of story.

3) Mitch Hedberg, a standup comic
To be honest, I’ve never heard of the bloke; from what I understand, he was on Comedy central occasionally. I only knew about him cos it was it was mentioned in ‘Overcompensating’ a couple of times.

4) Pope John Paul II, a dictator with a strange taste in headgear
Catholicism makes my bile rise to unprecedented levels. The less said about ‘Mr Infallible’, the better.
Actually, as of this writing, he isn’t dead, per se, cos I’d heard earlier in the day from what I thought to be a reliable source that he died, but checking various news sites, it seems that he’s only near death. COME ON, PEOPLE, ONE OR THE OTHER HERE.

Just wanted to bring your attention to all that, in case you’re like me, and get your news secondhand. I mean, I just found out that Martin Denny died round the beginning of March, which really brought me down.

Right, I’m off to bedness. Later on this week-end, I’ll fill y’all in on the Bloc party show I attended Fri eve

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Beyond Giger

typed for your pleasure on 7 March 2005, at 5.30 pm

Sdtrk: ‘G turns to D’ by Sloan

Usually when I’m on das InfoBahn, I’m either spending the majority of my time going through my bookmarks of RealDoll and similar Synthetik companion sites (twenty-one, at last count), or I’m wasting time on my two favourite image boards, 4chan and WAKAchan. It was on WAKAchan where I learned that some artist bloke that I’d never heard of before, by the name of Zdzisław Beksiński, was stabbed to death in his home in Poland.
Now, cos it’s an image board, someone had posted a couple of pics of Beksiński’s pieces, and at first glace, I thought they’d been done by H.R Giger. Pretty close, yeah, but Giger’s territories seem like they’d be more likely on an alien world, whereas Beksiński’s works somehow seem more suited towards our planet; albeit after Revelations.

Give his stuff a look-in. In their own nightmarish way, they’re beautiful paintings, and they tend to remain in your mind long after you look at them. It’s really a tragedy that Beksiński was senselessly murdered, but at least his works will always be around

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