Pull yourself together!
typed for your pleasure on 30 January 2009, at 11.11 amSdtrk: ‘Sandpiper’ by Reg Tilsley
Another one for the ‘Organik woman made Synthetik through the use of Clever Art Magicks’ file — in fact, I’ve created a new category for it, called ‘Organik to Synthetik’ — witness Tamar Levine’s ‘Broken Robot Girl‘, apparently the first in a series. So far, so good!
We’ve all got problems, babe
And they say the Photoshopping of people in images is a bad thing? I cannot agree.
Some legitimate Doll news is coming soon! I have to sit down and forge a post detailing it. Soon, I say!
Random similar posts, for more timewasting:
Phil and his short-term memory loss / A stunning likeness! on February 3rd, 2011
Any Synthetiks-related news, Davecat? (Nov 2010) on November 23rd, 2010
January 31st, 2009 at 3.47 am
Ok… I’m hard now!
January 31st, 2009 at 10.51 am
Ha! She definitely has a certain je ne sais quoi, non? Viva le Artifice!
Don’t know why I started speaking in gradeschool French there, but it seemed appropriate.
Tamar sez on his blog, he sez: ‘we are going to shoot different girls for each photograph. I don’t want to give too much away, but each girl will be broken in different ways and in different scenes.’ Yum yum. 🙂
February 1st, 2009 at 1.39 pm
I love this pictue.
No hardness involved 😉
February 28th, 2009 at 5.17 pm
Max Sauco has some similarly ‘broken women’. Some are definitely futuristic artificial women, but there is not much that is definite about his art. (It appears to be a mix of photography and digital art, but that is just my guess.) It is, however, outstanding. Click the ‘Gallery’ link in his web site: http://www.sauco.ru/
March 1st, 2009 at 1.44 pm
I don’t know if you ever had OMNI magazine in the UK; it began in the late Seventies, and was a heady mix of science fact / fiction articles and stories, and every issue contained a good amount of SF-related and Surrealist artwork — Max Sauco’s work looks like it would’ve fitted in nicely, had the magazine not folded in 1996…
Incidentally, there’s a work-in-progress site that some bloke made as a tribute to OMNI here. I still have a beaten-up copy of their first science fiction compilation issue from 1980! Overall, OMNI was a very Eighties-centric magazine, and that’s one of the reasons I loved it so much…
December 14th, 2010 at 9.22 pm
I loved OMNI! Subscribed to it for years and read every issue cover to cover. I was very sad when it tanked. I don’t have any copies left though. Too many moves, divorces, house cleanings etc.
I remember the artwork in the ‘zine. It was beautiful and always caught my attention.