Three down, two up
typed for your pleasure on 17 October 2007, at 12.52 amSdtrk: ‘Simple man’ by Klaus Nomi
Having left the Wilderness that is Being Forcibly Offline, I’ve discovered that three blogs that I check on a daily basis have gone tits up: the tag-team media-sharing duo of X-Y-Z-Cosmonaut and 55 Bells, and Rentell’s the-long-narrowing-tunnel, which was only briefly in existence. They’ll definitely be missed.
However! Two semi-recent editions to the fold would be Momentary Lapse Of Reason (‘His fascination with lady robots frightens and confuses me,’ reads the mouseover text on the link to ‘Shouting etc etc’) and il Pulitore Nudo delle Fenestre, helmed by a former-Doll-owner-turned-screenwriter. Please welcome them into your homes, and your lives.
Blogs! They’re everywhere; you can’t get away from them
Random similar posts, for more timewasting:
A comment caveat / Well, dental hygiene is pretty important on March 20th, 2008
An alphabetical multitude, or, The plugin that dropped out on May 26th, 2008
October 17th, 2007 at 2.09 am
Hi again, Davecat! Grazie for the publicity; I guess this will encourage me to share more of my doll-loving side at the blog. Knowing how things can change, I could be an ex-screenwriter turned RD-owner again! BTW, my blog’s name translates literally as “The Nude Cleaner of Windows”. There may be a deep metaphor in there somewhere, but the inspiration came from the way I used to clean the shower doors at my girlfriend’s flat. Nowadays I clean lots of other things, sometimes nudo.
Dr. Goldfoot
aka Pulitore Nudo
October 17th, 2007 at 8.31 am
Greetings Davecat and Hallo to Dr. Goldfoot!
Yes, blogs are popping up all over the place. I’ll have another one for you before too long. Er, now.
But I’ll hold off spreading the word until I get the kinks worked out. Make that “learn more stuff.” Maybe this weekend :-O
Regards to you and the Missus,
PBS, Lily, & Eden
October 17th, 2007 at 12.23 pm
HM, blogs… I read so many and never had one of my own. Maybe this will open a new chapter in my life? I doubt it! Hyde-chan x
October 19th, 2007 at 3.53 am
Thanks for your support, fellow Nomi fan! 🙂
I might return with a new blog in the future – “never say die” as they say…
October 21st, 2007 at 1.47 pm
And who knows when a light might shine again at the end of the tunnel DC
And thanks for your support and encouragement, keep those words pouring out.
Regards and salutations Ray Rentell.
October 21st, 2007 at 8.52 pm
Rent –
Well, I certainly hope that light won’t be a train! In the meantime, you can always blow the rest of us iDollator photogs out of the water with your astounding pics of your sexy girls…
X-Y-Z Bells –
I admit, I should’ve dropped more comments. With all the fab stuff that I got from your sites — Apaches, those library music recordings, The Nomi Song, all those Doctor Who programmes, the Pearl and Dean adverts, etc — that’s the least I could’ve done… Let me know when you get a new blog underway! And thanks for all the fab swag!
Miss Hyde –
You know you want to. 😉
PBS and lasses –
I have received your message through the Inter Net, and will peruse your… project… soon. *taps side of nose with finger* Message ends.
Dr Goldfoot –
That’s a hell of a title. 🙂 I knew ‘fenestre’ was probably ‘window’, as ‘fenetre’ (sp?) is French for the same, but I’d never have guessed the other bits! At least it was just the shower doors you were doing in the nudey, and not, say, the outside of a Secretary of State building!
And why not write about your life with Jenny? What else is a blog for, if not being publically self-indulgent? I mean, look at this pile of shite! 🙂
October 25th, 2007 at 1.08 am
Just to let you know – Cosmobells is now underway… A fresh start, a new beginning and all that.
October 25th, 2007 at 5.08 am
Hm, tell you what, help me think of a name and i’ll make one – just for you! One more thing, your comments have pictures now o.O
October 25th, 2007 at 10.28 am
Bellsy –
Noted, bookmarked, and linked! Good to see you back, sir!
Hyde-chan –
O, don’t just make it for me, make it for THE WORLD. We’ll have to brainstorm on a proper title. How about ‘Nowhere to Hyde’, for instance?
December 2nd, 2007 at 5.31 pm i do belive this may be of interest of you, it seems to be of your taste 🙂
December 2nd, 2007 at 5.46 pm i didn’t put a space before typing again heh.
December 3rd, 2007 at 11.49 pm