Speaking of Hallowe’en..

typed for your pleasure on 1 November 2004, at 2.58 am

I went in costume for the so-called Hallowe’en party at work on Friday. Now, for those of you unfamiliar with my appearance, here’s a semi-recent picture:

The author, in repose

Now, you see that pic? I dress like that all of the time. It’s an extraordinarily rare occasion when I’m not wearing black, white and grey, and I’m usually in either green or purple. No exceptions whatsoever.
So this year, for shits and giggles, I decided that I would dress up for the party. And seeing as that the entire point of dressing up for Hallowe’en is to go as something you’re not, I decided to dress as some preppy tosser. Between scouring two Value Worlds and buying clothes that I wouldn’t be caught dead in, deliberately choosing colours that I despise, I came up with something quite nice on a limited budget. I obtained a blue sweatshirt, a pair of bluejeans, some brown & blue Timberland-like shoes, and borrowed a blue-and-white checked shirt from my father, so my costume expenditure total came to about $13. I combed back my bangs, removed my chrome-and-black leather wrist belts, scraped off my black nailvarnish, and removed five of my six earrings for better assimilation, and, combined with the dodgy clothes I was wearing, I pulled off something fairly hideous.

Most of my coworkers didn’t get it, but the few that did found it pretty funny. I suppose it was really more to amuse myself than anyone else.. I’ll tell you this, though; I could not wait to get home and change

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5 have spoken to “Speaking of Hallowe’en..”

  1. Patrick writes:

    Just so you know, I almost spit up my coffee laughing so hard.

    That’s freggin awesome.
    Remind me when I was a teenage goth boy and went as a country-western singer for Halloween 😉

    Seriously awesome. Good job!

  2. Davecat writes:

    Dressing like that was very weird. I felt like I was going undercover or something.. I’m glad I was able to invoke a spit-take. 🙂

    And if you have pics of your exploits as a country & western singer, you MUST post those bad boys on your blog or something. Talk about a study in contrasts!

  3. Patrick writes:

    Luckily, there were no pictures taken, thank god 🙂

    I will be posting pics of me in this year’s costume (not nearly as exciting..Werewolf from werewolf of london)

  4. Davecat writes:

    A werewolf before or after the change? Cos anyone can do a ‘before the full moon’ costume — just dress normally. 😉

  5. Patrick writes:

    Well, *after* of course 😉

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