She’s also knitting a cozy for her E-stim unit
typed for your pleasure on 7 September 2006, at 2.32 pmSdtrk: ‘The perfect kiss’ by New order
Once again, at work:
RANDOM GRAN: Oh, I can’t [make a donation]; my husband keeps me all tied up.
ME: Now that sounds like fun! Unless, of course, the ropes burn. But you might be into that.
RANDOM GRAN: Well, I’m more worried about his cigarette butts burning the house down.
ME: Ooh, cigarette burns, too? Sounds like a wild week-end! All you need now is some candlewax!
RANDOM GRAN: I have a pile of that around, too.
ME: …you have a pile of candlewax??
O, come on. I have to do something to keep my brain from leaking out my ears at work. Don’t give me that look
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September 7th, 2006 at 11.44 pm
…she had a pile of candlewax?
September 9th, 2006 at 12.01 pm
I know! Who collects candlewax??
Maybe it’s a fetish that I’ve never even heard of. It’s not unreasonable.