‘The suspect had the stolen goods in his mouth’
typed for your pleasure on 30 July 2006, at 12.44 pmSdtrk: ‘Yoshino no yamazakura’ by Merzbow
Do not be fooled – this is the face of a kitty petty criminal
Feline stealing gardening gloves of Pelham
By JIM FITZGERALD, Associated Press Writer | Fri Jul 21, 4:13 AM ETPELHAM, N.Y. – A pink and white gardening glove was missing from Jeannine Goche’s front porch. But there was absolutely no mystery about who had taken it.Willy, the cat who loves gloves, had struck again.
“It has to be him,” Goche said. “I’ve heard about him.”
As if the gardeners of Pelham don’t have enough to worry about, with the rocky soil and the slugs and the big trees that cast too much shade, a feline felon has been sneaking into their backyards and carrying off at least two dozen gardening gloves.
Goche’s flower-patterned glove may soon take its place on the clothesline that’s strung across the front fence at Willy’s home in this village just northeast of New York City, which he shares with Jennifer and Dan Pifer, their 19-month-old son, Hudson, and a mutt named Peanut Chew.
Above the line is a sign that says: “Our cat is a glove snatcher. Please take these if yours.”
Nine pairs of gardening gloves and five singles were strung up Thursday morning. Willy, looking innocent, was playing with a beetle in the driveway and occasionally dashing after Hudson.
“This all started about the time people began working in their gardens, I guess March or April,” Jennifer Pifer said. “Willy would just show up with a glove, or we’d see them on the front steps. I guess it’s better than if he was bringing home dead birds.”
the rest of the article is here
Now show me a cat that steals bras and knickers, and I’ll be super-impressed
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July 31st, 2006 at 8.46 pm
Ha! And the jokes on him, what with his complete absence of opposable thumbs!
(dew claws don’t count)
August 1st, 2006 at 2.08 am
To Willy, that rhyme about the little kittens who lost their mittens wasn’t just a fable, it was a news report. He’s righting wrongs, in his own moggy fashion.
Good Job, Willy!