Smells nothing like Teen Spirit, thankfully

typed for your pleasure on 10 August 2004, at 4.13 am

I met with Kathy, another Close Friend From My Distant Hazy Past, on Monday afternoon. Having dutifully spritzed myself with some ov the Old spice cologne she bought fo me years ago, I was reminded ov how keen I am on perfumes & colognes; which is to say, not at all. I mean, I like Old spice — I suggested it to her as being my favourite cologne (shut up), and obviously I prefer them over the smell ov sweat and other natural human aromas, but only by a slim margin. I’m one ov those individuals who prefers people to smell like absolutely nothing at all; the olfactory equivalent ov looseleaf paper.
Having said that, my favourite smells would be, in no particular order,

+ Old typewriter
+ New car
+ Bubblegum
+ Pine tree
+ Silicone
+ and fighting for last place, lavender & clove cigarettes.

    But I daresay I’d be hard-pressed to find a lass that would willingly go round smelling like bubblegum

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    6 have spoken to “Smells nothing like Teen Spirit, thankfully”

    1. Jessie writes:

      Well, you *could* find one that smells of bubblegum, but I am betting she won’t exactly be legal… Just find one with a nice scent, nothing too strong. I recommend… Penda. She smells good.

    2. Davecat writes:

      Penda has a rather pleasing aroma! But I believe she’s attached — like a sexy car clamp — to someone; some husband or other. O loss!!

      Fortunately, smellin’ ain’t cheatin’. 🙂

    3. MontiLee writes:

      So that’s what you’re doing back there.

      There’s part of me that flattered and intrigued. My own “aroma”. Fan-tastic. That lovely mix of day-old blood and rotting meat that sends all the dog’s a-runnin. I should market it as “Nec-Romantic”.

      But hey, anything is better than the “the hot comb was turned up too high and now I’m missing a nice chunk of hair” smell.

    4. Davecat writes:

      Hey missy — I said you had a ‘pleasing aroma’, not ‘She has a hateful odour about her that reminds me ov owls coated with transmission fluid and sprinkled with chives’, so quityerbitchin’.

    5. MontiLee writes:

      You forgot “lit like a firecracker”.

    6. Miss Hyde writes:

      I have bubblegum body spray -nod nod-

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