Yes; sadly, my life revolves around acquisition

typed for your pleasure on 31 July 2004, at 4.30 am

The Goddess of Stuff dropped by for a bit before I sped off to work on Fri. My copy ov ‘Foot: A playful biography’ was delivered, as well as my ‘Crash babies’ silkscreen. w00t! I’m really glad I panicked and ordered it when I did, as I have print number 155 ov 160. *mops brow*

Also, I received a letter from Oakland Community College, stating that they’ve gotten my Free Application For Student Aid. Now alls I have to do is submit a couple ov forms, and with any luck, they’ll bestow a generous grant upon me, or something equally good..

The lads & I might try to catch Beat Takeshi’s ‘Zatoichi’ over at some cinema in Birmingham Sat eve..

A PS2 game that I, as well as a small yet rabid handful ov others, have eagerly been awaiting, will see a domestic release on 21 Sept. Its name? Katamari damashii. Its price? TWENTY DOLLARS. I am in love with the world! 🙂

And this might be the best / funniest thing I’ve heard all week — William Shatner (with the help ov Joe Jackson) covering Pulp’s ‘Common people’. Staggering.

Not much ov an update, I know, but I’ll doubtless have more ov an interesting post this Sun, for your edification

Random similar posts, for more timewasting:

Stuff / Nonsense on September 23rd, 2005

!!! (no, not the band) on July 20th, 2004

2 have spoken to “Yes; sadly, my life revolves around acquisition”

  1. SafeTinspector writes:

    You know, they play that Shattner version of “common people” on Sirius “Left of Center” alot.
    Oddly, it works well. Is it actually a cover or is it some sort of collaboration? It sounds like the original singer is doing the actual singing bits….
    Either way, this was much more amusing than his old “Rocket Man” cover.

  2. Davecat writes:

    I missed grabbing the .mp3 of that when it came out; a decision I regret to this day.
    It was a collaboration between Shatner and Joe Jackson, as far as I could see. Seeing as that Pulp love kitsch, I’m sure Jarvis and co. wholeheartedly approved of the idea. And who wouldn’t?

    And you do know you’re responding to a two-year old post, right? You must be really, really bored..

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