What d’ye mean, not my real name?

typed for your pleasure on 26 September 2008, at 1.37 am

Sdtrk: ‘The Delian mode’ by Delia Derbyshire

I’d actually forgotten about this! The interview I’d had at the beginning of the month with Tanya Gold of the UK newspaper The Independent is now out, both in print form, and online.

Do you mind that [Sidore] can’t talk? “I’d prefer it if she did, but doll technology can only go so far,” he replies. “My ideal partner would be a gynoid [a female android]. There are only a few in the world and they are not available for consumer markets yet. Dolls are wonderful, but they can’t move, and they can’t speak”. I’m not sure what to say to Davecat. So I ask him you would really rather have a relationship with a robot than a really beautiful — er — actress? “Yes,” he says. “That is the end all, be all of it.”

She also spoke with fellow iDollators Gordon Griggs and zazakell, and overall, I’d say it’s pretty even-handed. It’s no ‘Real Dolls: Love in the Age of Silicone‘, but it’s not that scurrilous article from Marie Claire UK, so it meets with my approval, at least…
According to our list, this’ll be our fifteenth media appearance. Not too shabby!

Also, director Brian Crano was kind enough to post me a promotional copy of his short fillum, ‘Rubberheart‘, so expect a review here in a couple of days (relatively speaking)

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3 have spoken to “What d’ye mean, not my real name?”

  1. Kat writes:


  2. MontiLee writes:

    I’m not sure what to say to Davecat. So I ask him you would really rather have a relationship with a robot than a really beautiful er actress?

    But not being specific, I’d rather have a relationship with a robot than a beautiful er actress. I can’t imagine a single one of them worth spending time with.

    Frankly, I’d like to nail Tilda Swinton (circa “Constantine”) but that’s just me willing to take one for the team.

  3. Davecat writes:

    Being in a relationship with an actress — moreso than a typical Organik/Organik relationship — is a guarantee for failure. Cos let’s face it; relationships of that nature are accidents waiting to happen, due to the environment from which actors come from and work in. Would I love to have a sordid affair with Winona Ryder? Why yes! But there’s simply no way it would last. A Gynoid Winona, on the other hand… I could spend an infinite amount of hours with her. No paparazzi, no ridiculous pervasive Hollowwood ‘culture’, etc.
    Just as long as she resembled Winona circa ‘Beetlejuice’, as opposed to Winona circa ‘Girl, interrupted’. Might as well go for her best look!

    And you wanting to have it off with Tilda Swinton? Well, this is news. *raises eyebrow*

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