Invasion of the pod(cast) people
typed for your pleasure on 13 January 2011, at 12.32 amSdtrk: ‘Pieces’ by Blank dogs
Well will you ‘ark at that — another interview. It’s true!
Back in November, Don Recuero and Diana Sparx, of the podcast blog Mindcore, had asked if I’d like to speak at length about the usual blather I’m known for, I suppose. However, there are two interesting aspects that made this a noteworthy experience…
First, the session wasn’t simply centred round RealDolls, or my life with the Missus, but we also took a significant amount of time discussing the future of humanoid robotics in society, so as you’d suspect, it was fun talking about something beyond Dolls for a change. Sure, we spoke about the unique relationship Sidore and I have, both in a fictional and nonfictional context, but the fact that they didn’t just stop there was definitely appreciated.
Secondly, Don and Diana were not the typical interviewers that I’ve often encountered. For one, Mindcore’s previous slant was towards free-thinking and the discussion of atheist ideas, so clearly this was a venue that was more open toward nontraditional concepts. Upon reflection, Don and Diana kinda remind me of V.Vale and Andrea Juno, former collaborators of the counterculturalist press known as RE/Search.
Third, this would be the first podcast interview I’d done, and I have to say, I thought it was pretty neat! A good time was had by all.
Huh! Looks like that was three interesting aspects, then! Math was never my strong point, really.
Go visit Mindcore right this damned minute, and have a listen to ‘Davecat: Man Marries Robot‘, s’il vous plaît. And be sure to let the hosts know how much you enjoyed it! There is no better conceivable way to spend ninety minutes. Fact
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January 13th, 2011 at 6.12 am
The honor was definitely all ours.
While thinking about AI I was wondering if you had heard about the supercomputer to play Jeopardy?
Though its not hard for computers to search for answers, the true milestone is that this represents a new level of computers being able to understand questions.
When I learned about this I thought of you.
January 13th, 2011 at 12.14 pm
Davecat, you are now my BFF whether you like it or not. Expect a half heart necklace and an awkward letter any day now. Thank you again for a fantastic, intelligent and fun interview.
January 14th, 2011 at 12.53 am
Enrique –
Jeopardy! One of the few gameshows I’ll actually go out of my way to pay attention to if I happen to be in an area where it’s playing on telly. Strangely, I manage to get like 70% of the answers correct!
‘“Jeopardy!” producers said the computer qualified for the show by passing the same test that human contestants must pass.’
I rather like that… it’s like a reverse Turing test. That’ll be an interesting series of eps to watch…
Diana –
We should send each other mixtapes and do each other’s nails. 🙂
It was pretty cool being invited on! Maybe I can pop round Mindcore once a year, rather like that bloke from the San Diego Zoo who was always on Johnny Carson!
January 14th, 2011 at 5.45 pm
You can be on the show anytime, and we will ask you to be on regularly. When this Jeapordy game goes I would definitely like to have you go on to comment on it.
April 22nd, 2013 at 3.25 pm
Thanks for the great interview and also entertainment. Listening this was nice and I’m happy that you had a chance to speak more for artificial humans and their future possibilities. You really give a good picture about you and your ideas and if someone dares to blame your intelligence after listening this – well then they are full morons. *hugs and love* <3
Btw I would like to see this transparent doll you were talking about! Or did I understand something wrongly? xD Is there such?
May 9th, 2013 at 9.52 pm
Glad you dug the podcast! As you could tell, there were some audio issues — I think they’d said it was they first time they’d done a podcast via Skype — but I should hope it wasn’t entirely unlistenable! Thanks for digging it! 🙂
And I never did show my photo of the transparent RealDoll, did I? No. Well, here she is at the Abyss creations studios, circa DolLApalooza 2011:
She was even more fascinating in person. But you can say that about any Doll, really. 🙂
May 10th, 2013 at 4.45 pm
Thanks for sharing this pic (: She’s an awesome Cyber Doll and great work of art! Her style and looks remind me of Cyberdog shop, ah, they should really get her in their cool boutique. 😀 Transparent male doll would be nice addition, too. (;
The podcast was good even with audio issues, sometimes speech sounded stuttering but there was no way I would have stopped listening. ;D <3