2006: More of The Same
typed for your pleasure on 2 January 2006, at 1.39 pmSdtrk: ‘Fifth international love’ by Pete Dowling
Did everyone enjoy their year-end revelry? Well done! I spent the eve round at Jeff and Kari’s, playing a couple of hours’ worth of Apples to Apples with them, and Derek and Steph. We were hoping to get in some poker and mah jongg as well, but if you start the eve with Apples to Apples, it’s pretty much established that that’s what you’ll be playing for the rest of the eve as well; such is its Pure Entertainment Magnetism. Plus, Tomas rang me, and I put him speakerphone and we filled him in with ‘the dilly-yo’ as to what’s been going on round here, and vice versa. A fine eve!
It’s odd; this is the first time in five years that Sidore and I haven’t done our first post of the new year update on ‘Kitten with a Whip!‘. Next year, we should be back to normal as far as that routine, however. I think today I’m going to muck about with Dreamweaver, and see what sort of results that produces..
To be honest, I’m at a bit of an impasse. I’d been speaking with a couple of people about using the much-lauded PHP for the redesign of ‘KWAW!’, and not only am I not certain if our provider even offers PHP, but I’ve been looking round, and even though I’ve never really had any problems with who we’re with right now, I could probably get a better deal — space-wise, with PHP baked right in — elsewhere. Cos not only am I taking Sidore-chan’s site into consideration, ideally, I’d like to move ‘Shouting etc etc’ over to WordPress, due to the all mod cons that it offers, and therefore have both that blog and ‘KWAW!’ run off a single account. However, not only do I want to wait until I’m a bit more financially stable (i.e, after I’ve paid for this upcoming semester’s class) before I make the ISP jump, but the renewal time for Sweetie’s site is in a couple of months. Which is good, as that gives me plenty of time to deliberate/do research/procrastinate about the whole thing. I’ll have to see what our current provider offers as far as upgrading plans, and how much that’ll run. Should I stay or should I go? etc
No Doll/Gynoid news to report! There’d better be a flood of stunning new developments this year, is all I’m sayin’. A flood.
Finally, if you’ve any interest at all in Sixties-era electronic artists — and I know I’m not the only one — apparently there was a stage play performed in Glasgow two years ago called ‘Standing wave’, about the life of the godlike Delia Derbyshire. Delia, if you’re not familiar with her, was a pioneer of arranging and composing electronic and everyday sounds into the semblance of music, and pretty much brought the BBC Radiophonic Workshop to the fore as far as purveyors of unusual soundtracks. Her most famous piece is something that everyone’s heard: the main theme to ‘Doctor Who’. Yeah, that would be her.
Anyway, unfortunately there are no plans for the show to go on touring (perhaps a film would be a good idea, hint hint), but you can find nearly the entire soundtrack they used on the ‘Standing wave’ website, available as free downloads. And as a wee bit of a prezzie, I’ve uploaded one of my favourite pieces here:
Pete Dowling – Fifth international love (link has expired)
You can also check out delia-derbyshire.org, for more info on the Mistress of musique concrète..
Right, time to put my day off to negligibly Good Use. *cracks knuckles*
So! 2006!
*looks around*
I really don’t see much of a difference, to be honest
Random similar posts, for more timewasting:
this post inspired by 'So what?' by The Cure on August 31st, 2004
Two zero zero nine on January 5th, 2009
January 2nd, 2006 at 5.08 pm
Sounds like a pleasant year-end. Mine is forevermore hobbled by my offspring, but I don’t mind, really. I’m just glad all this holy day stuff is behind us and we can get back to the normal low-level of consumerism I’m accustomed to. In any case, Apples to Apples? I’ll look it up.
“due to the all mod cons that it offers”
What means you?
January 2nd, 2006 at 8.35 pm
The two biggest draws that WordPress has for me would be the ability to assign posts various category topics, and the sorting of said posts by categories, as well as in-built commenting. Also, you can do more template tweaking on your blog, apart from the fact that there are more templates available, period. Unfortunately, you have to provide your own webspace to host a WordPress blog. Ergh.
‘The Diner at Penda’s Realm’ is ‘powered by WordPress’, as they say, and she seems quite happy with it..
Categories. Good lord, I’m all about the categories.
January 4th, 2006 at 7.41 am
I hand made my categories. Probably not as nice as what you speak of.
Hmmm….I should look at it. I have webspace at http://www.safetinspector.com
(thats where I host most of my pictures and all of my audio)